Our Lovely Dolls

After the successful launch of the Ohmydoll.ca brand in Montreal, two entire complexes (Edmonton) will gradually open in February 2022. Playdoll.ca and Ohmydoll.ca will be part of the large complex under one roof. (Montreal: possibly early 2024))

(3 Customer Reviews)

Du génie des créateurs de la bannières Ohmydoll.ca nous parvient leur nouvelle cération ( PLAYDOLL.CA ) qui transformera les salons de massages érotiques à jamais. Venez en couple pour en profiter d’un plaisir partagé. Nous n’offrons pas de partenaires. Expériences révolutionnaires, aussi bien sur le côté artistique, sensualité et technologique. Des expériences sécuritaires, haut de gamme et légales. Une expérience qui combine un toucher étudié, une mise en scène dynamique de part de votre partenaire et une technologie de réalité virtuelle fournie par Brain Waves XR qui …est créé par les mêmes fondateurs FOUS ! Au service d’un fou plaisir sans fin !

Quand on dit expériences haut de gamme, c’est simplement haut de gamme !

3 reviews
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3 reviews for After the successful launch of the Ohmydoll.ca brand in Montreal, two entire complexes (Edmonton) will gradually open in February 2022. Playdoll.ca and Ohmydoll.ca will be part of the large complex under one roof. (Montreal: possibly early 2024))

  1. Max
    J’ai fait l’expérience du Playdoll Il y a quelques jours ça été une superbe expérience j’ai adorer le mélange du vr et les toucher réel. la Playdoll savait très bien quoi faire et quand vraiment le faire pour donner une superbe expérience c’est vraiment a essayer ! Je conseil a tous et très hâte à Une prochaines fois !
  2. BradC
    I'm probably one of the first regular ohmydoll customers that got access to Playdoll test mode. To be honest, i love Ohmydoll, i love the technology of VR and how much immersive it is. But ohmydoll experiences have something negative that is compensated with the PLaydoll experience. In ohmydoll experience, you have to adjust yourself to the dolls which is sometimes unconfortable. The PLaydoll experience though, you do nothing except enjoying the technique of the PLaydoll that will make your brain think you're doing exactly what you're seeing On VR. when it happens that you need to grab the boobs, you have the real Playdoll boobs ready for you. i give a note of 12 out of 10 on my first Playdoll experience. My Playdoll Lesley was amazing, great body, great attitude and she probably has a pretty face that i didn’t see completely because of the experience, she’s was wearing a mask covering her eyes. what amazed me is that the experience is well defined rules that are unusual in the industry such as she's wearing a mask and i'm wearing the headsets. When i need to remove the headset, i have to ask her and i'm not allowed to look at her for more than 10 seconds. But once you're in the experience, it all makes sense, you get the feeling of being between two worlds, the physical world and the virtual one, sometimes thoses worlds synchronize together, sometimes they oppose and sometime they complete each other. i kept having inside orgasms and my 1h30 went incredibly fast. I felt the orgasms from the inside of my body making crazy sounds. honestly, it wasn't me, never and never in my life i felt this way. I felt my body being too hot. Playdoll Lesley explained at the end that this VR technology used is at the edge and that it's a matter not simply of the choosen content but how the flaw of images are directed to the headset wich make the technology unique and impacting directly on our brainwaves in a specified manner to reate all thoses overwheling feeling, I recommand.
  3. Jecey
    Wow, la place que vous avez sur la photo parait super nice, j’ai hate de vous visiter
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